








How to get 90,000 followers in one week with Ashley Reeves

Ashley is a body-positive mother, entrepreneur and speaker who has spent the last decade building better body image and empowering others to do the same. Ashley has used Instagram to create a multiple six-figure income for her family, and teaches others how to do the same through her trainings and courses. Online she most loves to share about sisterhood, self-acceptance and how to find more peace in the midst of a busy life.

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • Shifting focuses when you aren’t excited about your niche anymore, and remembering your why/what fulfills you (1:53)
  • How Ashley transitioned from a food blogger to a personal brand and navigating her insecurities of showing her face and body online (3:34)
  • Ashley shares how she decides on and creates offerings for her audience and the importance of networking with people who think differently than you and can give honest feedback on your ideas (10:54)
  • Ashley’s thoughts on competition and how your core beliefs, experiences and unique way of sharing your message sets you apart from others in your same niche (14:56)
  • Embracing your real life moments on Instagram and finding what is sustainable for you so you can show up consistently online (22:40)
  • Where Ashley would show up online if she were to start over again today and why you need to dial in on creating content in the way people want to consume it  (26:21)
  • The value in being an early adopter and experimenting to see what resonates people (31:30)
  • Ashley shares the benefits and challenges of a product based business, and how to leverage others experiences so you don’t have to start from scratch (34:32)

Get on the waiting list for Ashley’s next Rock the Tok VIP Training here

Connect with Ashley:

Follow @ceoschool on Instagram for inspiration and exclusive behind-the-scenes you won’t find anywhere else. We also have an absolutely incredible FREE resource for you–it’s the 7 lessons we learned building 7 and 8 figure businesses, these are complete game changers and we want to give it to you, completely free. All you have to do is leave a review of the podcast–why you love listening–screenshot the review, and email it to and we’ll send it your way. 

See you in the next class!

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