Title: Small Business Consultant
I've known that I wanted to open my own studio since I was 5 years old and every decision- from the jobs I worked as a teenager, to the majors and graduate degree I pursued in college- supported that. Finally, I opened my gorgeous multi-modality boutique fitness studio in Bay Area, CA when and it thrived. 3.5 years later, my husband was offered the job of a lifetime and we had to sell it and move to a new state.
I am now a small business consultant and work full time with other gym and studio owners to help them build successful, profitable businesses, but I missed having something that was "mine". In December I created The Toddler Chef after a few videos of my 16 month old and I cooking together garnered attention. I kept getting questions about how I encouraged my toddler to cook with me from parents hoping to do the same. It's still in the early stages, but I'm enjoying building the foundation of the brand while working on a line of children's products for the tiniest chefs.
I miss the camaraderie and hustle of my entrepreneurship groups in Bay Area. It's rather isolated and traditional in my new small town in North Idaho and I miss the growth mindset. I'm excited to be surrounded by fellow strivers to offer mutual support and encouragement.