Title: CEO / Tour Guide
Hi! I am the founder and main guide of a cultural tours company based in Ponce, Puerto Rico. I lived about 10 years overseas, mostly in Indonesia, with some time at Wesleyan University in CT, and other time in Geneva, Switzerland for my MA in International Relations and Political Science. I came back to Puerto Rico to start my own tourism company to find ways to develop my city after many natural and economic disasters. It's been a wild ride but every day learning how to grow my company and create an impact in my community and island with entrepreneurship, storytelling, and tourism.
Organizing myself to be a better CEO of my small company that I working to reach six-figure this year. This includes become a better leader and letting go of money and impostor-syndrome fears. Focusing through my planner, learning from the community, and being actively part of the workshops and information given to reach my goals.