








How to Create a Pitch They Can’t Say No To – CEO tips from 9 figure founder, Suneera Madhani

Listen, I know how it goes: The market is oversaturated and thousands are offering the same product as you. Soon enough, your confidence breaks: you start wondering how you’re any different from all of them and how you’re possibly going to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself. 

Those thoughts might’ve even been why you nearly gave up on your business idea before even starting. We’ve all been there: Amongst millions, why me? 

Does this sound like you? If it doesn’t, not only do I admire you deeply but I also want your morning affirmations because your confidence is outstanding ⚡️ 

If it does, don’t worry. I’ve been there, done that, and I learned exactly what to do to stand out. 

And guess what?  It all comes down to your pitch.

Not many know this but:

I was SO passionate when I started my entrepreneurial journey that I made a rally cry. I would literally go on about my story and my idea to anyone who would listen —

– coffee shops, restaurants, any stage, any audience. Anyone who was willing to listen I would talk to.

How YOU tell YOUR story matters. 

There will always be competition. Your ideal customer and their pain points existed way before you decided to help them, and you’re definitely not the only one offering your product.

What makes you unique is your story, and how you choose to tell it can be the difference between making it big or… not. 

So make sure you keep these in mind when pitching yourself : 

✔️ Don’t be afraid to lean into strong opinions. If you feel like something is wrong in an industry/product/society – lean into that. It will make you stand out amongst a sea of people doing things how it’s always been done.

✔️ You *should* be picking a side. Trying to be friends with everyone is a risk we can’t afford to take as entrepreneurs. Stand up for what you believe in and pick a side. Your ICA is waiting for you there

✔️ Play into your natural strengths and talents to share your story. Don’t do what they’re doing just for the hell of it.

✔️ When telling your story, bring your essence with you. Open up, be vulnerable: the audience meant for your business will appreciate this more than anything.

Remember: Competition might’ve been what nearly stopped you from starting your business but it doesn’t have to stop you from scaling it. Go out there, be unapologetically YOU, and watch your ICA find you 👏🏽


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